Monthly Archives: September 2017

Cartier Tank Anglaise Replica Watches Hands-On

I and Cartier participated in a very interesting dinner, where the “tank” the name of the origin of a few minutes to discuss. “Tank” is applied to many Cheap Cartier Replica, but the records show that no one has determined where the name comes from. Most people agree that it actually means a military tank. Mechanized war is an exciting reality, this is a veritable luxury watch.

How does the tank look at the tank? Hard to say yes. Some people say that the shape of the watch is said to be like a tank. Others say the watch should look like the tank’s footsteps. Others say this shape is better than the French way to reproduce the American tanks and help win in the First World War. While others think that the tank is designed to maintain the United States or France tanks. It’s a fascinating little mystery and one I like because it shows even a huge brand, such as Cartier Replica humble start.

Where the name of the tank comes from, which is continuous – and is the cornerstone of Cartier Replica Watches making. For 2012, the tank family won a new member with the tank Anglaise, “British Tank”. This old building is like a tank – at least in this bigger size we are fool man. Initially only 18k white gold, it is a strong reminder that elegance does not have to be punished. There are smaller versions available. This “large” tank tank is 36.2 mm wide and 47 mm high. In the case of 9.82mm is not too thick.

For tank tanks, Best Cartier Replica established a mixture between tank Francis and Barents. do you understand? The sides of the box are round, making them feel thicker, and the crown is placed in the middle of a very thick bezel. This provides a synchronized appearance on both sides of the watch. The complex crown is cool and contains a large sapphire crystal round. I like the crown is not too small, combined with angle and organic design elements.

The watch is Cartier manufacturing movement, automatic movement 1904 MC. This is the same movement I have reviewed here in the Cartier Replica Watches Swiss Movement. It looks like Cartier designed it can be configured in several ways. In the tank of the tank, this is a simple three-handed and date. ETA will work, but Cartier wants Tank Angles to have more time. You can see the sport through the exhibition counter.

Although the design of the watch is not revolutionary, but it is certainly evolutionary. It offers a new desire for tank fans, allowing Cartier Replica Watches China to continue with the product series by adding new products. French, American and current British people have a Cartier design to call themselves. For 2012, the tank ace will be only 18k white gold. Oh, if this is your bag, it is also completely covered with diamonds. I think this should be a more mainstream model – and hope that after a few years, the steel version will appear. I also think it will be a two-color mode that looks good.

Cheap Cartier Replica Two Concept Watch: Goodbye Metal

Cheap Cartier Replica announced its latest concept watch “ID II”. This is a follow-up to ID One watches a few years ago, and the difference is that ID One is trying to make a big improvement in the progress of the mechanical watch. There are several ways to view ID Two. You can think of it as a gear watch lovers, awe, you can think of it as a luxury marketer, scratch your mind, or you can look at it from the consumer’s point of view and think that “now is Cool, I will buy a suitable price. “Since Cartier will not sell any price, so ID Two will not offer any price. In fact, as a marble product and brand definition concept, they may be worth more. However, the elaborate concept of the announcement and the presentation of the elaborate watch is about how the whole Cartier Replica industry is placed on the head of the note.

The housing is not screwed together. In fact, it has no air. This is the first watch I’ve ever heard of a vacuum sealed lumen. The Cartier Replica Watches case is vacuum attached to the rest of the case – so do not try to pry open. 99.5% of the air space in the table reduces the friction caused by the air – mainly through the escapement. According to Cartier, the removal of air from the shell greatly improves the energy efficiency of the movement by almost completely eliminating the energy lost due to air friction. Cool though when you think of this meaning, the complications will occur. Those little things like how to seal, how to adjust the movement, and how space does not affect the movement. All in all, Best Cartier Replica must patent a few things to eliminate all the lubrication in the sport and use almost no friction for new materials that do not need oil. Things are more advanced than standard wafers.

If my understanding is correct, the carbon crystal is silicon, but Cartier uses a diamond coating on it. This is similar to Diamonsil, which is a technology owned by Ulysse Nardin. Treating silicon with diamonds is an amazing way to further reduce friction and make silicon more durable. ID II uses carbon crystal parts – including balance wheels and other parts. They do not need to lubricate and live happily in airless areas. More and more metal feel is missing. Although metal has its advantages, it has recently been concealed by high-tech materials, which have unique properties in mechanical motion. What is the Cartier Replica Watches Swiss Movement impact on the industry, and is a non-metallic watches, there is no inherent precious luxury?

ID Two concept watch is not about telling time or even precision. It is about Cartier to show the world that it focuses on developing unique and innovative technologies that place halo on the rest of the product. ID Two watch technology is expected to be the upcoming watch. In fact, there is already a little bit. Cartier Replica Watches China has produced a limited edition of Astrotourbillon with carbon crystal parts. Say it again. In terms of metal, it is very interesting, but in the perfect world you will be replaced by the unnatural machine planting part, it is difficult to remember the name and clear personality. This effect is a elimination of the high-end watch manufacturers side, and the industry so immersed in the traditional world, so give it ten years, let us look at the occurrence of things.

Cartier Replica Watches Returns

This is one of the irresistible stories, no matter how many times to be told or how the disease details, these stories are discussed. It involves Cartier Replica Watches, which is one of the world’s most mysterious and most popular watches and jewelry brands, and this story makes the watch collect value.

2013 Cartier Crash Limited edition will debut at SIHH

A few years ago, I noticed an old-fashioned Cartier watch that seemed to be melting as well. I hardly believe it is real. It does not have a name or detail, but I realize that something must be special. I later learned that it was a Cheap Cartier Replica crash. Originally produced in 1967 and the beginning of the 1990s limited edition, this extremely rare watch, is the impact of the design of the emotional and the luxury of the strange proof of the world. Cartier will release a limited edition “Crash” watch in 2013 as a high-end jewelry on the bracelet. Although this new version is a great departure from the original theme, but interesting is to see Cartier continue to collapse legend.

Obviously in England, “crash” is another term in the car accident. This is exactly what the design of the seed watch. In the mid-sixties of the twentieth century, Cartier’s vice president died in a car accident in London. The crash caused the burning of the flame on his body while he was wearing a Cartier Replica. The stuff that burns on his wrist happens to be tall rectangular Bagnoire Alongee. The watch survived – well. After the incident, Cartier is very interested in what happened on the body of the corpse, although I think so. They scrutinized and found that the case had melted as if it were in Dali. Whether it is enough LSD or vice president of death has a deep emotional connection, Cartier decided to make a look like a melting Bagnoire Alongee watch. It certainly became Best Cartier Replica crash – it was a super strange watch that fits the perfect time for the art scene.

Fast forward to the present, “crash” to become an avant-garde ladies watch, with gold bracelet on the diamond. Is not entirely a logical extension of the collection, but in 2013 to keep track of Cartier’s unique products. Simple leather strap on the original gold style is now equipped with 18k pink or white gold “teardrop link” bracelet high-end Although the bracelet is optionally covered with diamonds, but the 2013 edition of all versions are diamond cover. This is a bit unfortunate because the Cartier Replica Watches Swiss Movement diamond decoration on the case hides some of the more interesting “melted” details of the original. The appearance of the “drops” still exists, but the 2013 version is more polished and clean than the odds of the original. Also note that the original watch’s original representation of London’s cause, while the modern version of the typical “Made in Switzerland” mark attached to the dial.

Larger than the original, 2013 Cartier watch will be 25.5 mm wide and 38.45 mm high. The interior will be manually mechanically moved throughout the 2013 collection will be limited to 267 pieces, each with standard bracelet and 67 pieces with full diamond cover bracelet. All the gold has a stone of 2.15 or 4.27 carats, this watch is only available in special Cartier Replica Watches China boutiques, usually only through special orders. Cartier is fully aware that such a watch is a very small model. While its strange history inherently is the brand’s need for the authenticity and feeling of the legacy to continue to attract the average consumer.

Cartier Replica Chronograph Watch Hands-On

Cartier has been very clear that Caliber’s case will enjoy a lot of life. It has become from the mainstream luxury to the ultra-high-end Cartier models of all base, and Cartier now prefer Caliber as the premier men’s style, and will continue to maintain the future. One of my personal favorite moves is that no one has ever called it “neutral”. Many Cheap Cartier Replica have a fluency in French Poland, making them a good enough for a man, but fit a woman.

Many people do not remember is that Cartier chose Caliber as the first watch, the internal production of the movement known as the 1904MC movement. This is not their first time for the production of internal action – Cartier Replica began a few years ago the use of ultra-luxury things. 1904MC is not only a new movement, but also the basis of future movement. Designed to be flexible, the 1904MC is included in all the internal movement of the Cartier watch. So here is a chronograph. In the movement chronograph, this movement is called 1904-CH MC.

The 1904-CH MC automatic model is similar to a pure base movement without a chronograph module, but with a slightly different dial layout and a 30-minute chronograph provided in a dual combination layout. Frequency 28,800 bph, power reserve 48 hours. It also has a 6 o’clock date.
Cartier Replica Watches dial design is the subject of continuous controversy is “open” date window. I have to admit that this design feature looks worse on some other watches, but it highlights that it is purely eccentric.

I’ve heard two things about chronographs. Some people think that the dial is too close together while others really appreciate their positioning as it allows a relatively unobstructed hourly markup view, thus making the best readability. I agree who I want to be. Readability is quite good, but around the sub-dial, they may be too stressed in the middle of the dial. After all this, I like the symmetry of the dial, feel with the original Best Cartier Replica dial compared to chronograph better balance, looks more comfortable. So while this may not be the perfect dial in the world, but it is good and attractive, proud to assume the name of Cartier.

Cartier Rotonde de Cartier Astrocalendaire Replica Watches Hands-On

Cheap Cartier Replica

Cartier in the 2014 announced some very complex novelty. Among them, we have already discussed Cheap Cartier Replica and Moon Tourbillon, and Ariel has now communicated with another tourbillon called Rotonde de Cartier Astrocalendire. These two products share several main functions: display hours and minutes on eccentric dials, both placed in the same Rotonde de Cartier platinum box, except for a two-mm diameter difference, minutes tourbillon.

Cartier Replica

However, the similarities are there to end, because these two novelty offers a very different way to capture the unique complications of the fans’ minds and wallets. Cartier Replica main function is multi-level, synchronous arrangement of calendar. Like this fantasy, the result is staggering directly: at the center of the watch, three surround flying tourbillers, and everyone is dedicated to indicating the day of the week, the month and the date. Because of this configuration – reminiscent of the ancient Roman Amphitheater – Cartier’s calendar offers little readability of other watches.

Cartier Replica Watches

On all three layers, the exact date marked with blue brackets, seems to float on the ring’s mark. Reading information from three-tier and rectangular frames is indeed affected under poor lighting conditions, but the way of circular stacking is closer together than most other calendar watches, Cartier Replica Watches and can be read more quickly and easier. Having said that, there is a sign that is missing – although for this less complex person, this may not be obvious, this is the leap year display. Through the transparent case can be seen, leap and non-leap year are by a movement of the bridge on a hand instructions.

Best Cartier Replica

Other elements are not often suppressed, but still in the center of concern – is the flying tourbillon, on the bridge movement of the famous capital “C”. The interior design and manufacture of the sport, titled 9459 MC, is actually assembled in Best Cartier Replica high clockwork workshop in Geneva, so it conforms to the Geneva seal. Since 2011, the seal has not only proved the origin of the movement and the quality of finishing, but also the test of timing performance. In order to pass the test, this is a week of wearing a watch simulation that allows the movement to reach the maximum final deviation of 60 seconds at the end of the seventh day. Nevertheless, although the COSC requirements are less stringent, but for the highly complex watch is still quite harsh – Cartier Replica Watches China is undoubtedly the case.